Superior Wellness Team smash Tough Mudder 2021 in aid of Fibromyalgia Action UK

Superior Wellness over exceeded their fundraising target by taking part in the gruelling obstacle course ‘Tough Mudder’ in aid of Fibromyalgia Action UK. The team smashed the target of £2,000 and raised £2,805; with time to donate still available. The money raised will go directly to their national charity partner Fibromyalgia Action UK, who are fighting for freedom from Fibromyalgia – to raise awareness and much needed funds.

Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes persistent pain all over the body.  As well as widespread pain, other symptoms will include but are not limited to fatigue and non-refreshing sleep, and brain or fibro fog.  

On 1 August, a team of 39 from Europe’s largest hot tub distributor took part in the 10-mile mud obstacle course on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales. Tough Mudder is a world-renowned series of obstacle and mud runs that pushes physical and mental limits without the pressure of competition. The Superior Wellness team showed true family spirit, dedication and commitment – never leaving a team member behind.

Rob Carlin, Managing Director at Superior Wellness said: “I am incredibly proud of the team; everyone finished the course, helping each other along the way as well as conquering fears and challenges. 

“We are overwhelmed with the generosity of donations to raise much needed funds for our national charity Fibromyalgia Action UK. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far; it is not too late to donate via our Just Giving link.

“We hope to raise awareness of the condition through the partnership, particularly amongst young people, as many may not even know what it is. There is great synergy between our brands and we are very excited about our partnership.”

Des Quinn, Chair of Fibromyalgia Action UK said: “We really appreciate the effort, conviction, and time donated by the team at Superior Wellness. It’s an amazing amount they have raised that will help the newly diagnosed receive support that they desperately need.”

Throughout the year the Superior Wellness team will be taking part in a series of charity events to raise funds for Fibromyalgia Action UK.

HTR News congratulates Superior Wellness and their entire team on the massive efforts and success in raising money for a hugely important cause. Links can be found to both Superior Wellness’ Just Giving Page and Fibromyalgia Action UK below:

Superior Wellness

Alex Clamp

I am the trade content writer for HTR News and I also manage the social media content for HTR News. I'm currently studying a Masters Degree in Occupational Psychology and in my spare time I love music production and DJing at nightclubs and live music scene events. I also enjoy keeping fit and I'm an avid sports fan.
