BISHTA issues high temperature alert
BISHTA has issued a nationwide hot tub consumer safety alert about the risks of hot tubs within the UK that are operating at more than 40°C and are potentially a fatality risk.
A new study of the current UK hot tub market by BISHTA has highlighted that there is a growing trend of some hot tub suppliers promoting the fact that their products can be adjusted by owners to have a water temperature above the agreed industry maximum temperature of 40°C.
All the key industry documents indicate that hot tub water temperature should be limited to 40oC, including the European standard for domestic spas and hot tubs (BS EN 17125), and BISHTA has now issued an ‘Above 40 is Dangerous’ message to highlight the risk of exceeding the recommendation. It is designed to alert consumers to the fact that higher hot tub temperatures may seem an attractive proposition during the colder months of the year, but this practice is very dangerous and could cause serious health problems and fatalities.
As part of the message, BISHTA is highlighting that hot tubs are traditionally restricted to a maximum temperature of 40°C because this is considered the safe top level temperature, although it is not recommended to use a hot tub at this highest temperature. The Hampshire-based association has stressed that any bathing in a hot tub that has been excessively heated can cause many challenges and in some extreme cases can lead to heat exhaustion or heart attack.
Pregnant hot tub users are also being alerted to the fact that it can take less than ten minutes to raise their core temperature to a level where it is deemed to be unsafe for the developing child/fetus.

“Unlike a bath that cools during use, a hot tub will maintain its operating temperature,” said BISHTA Managing Director Chris Hayes, pictured; “Additionally, it is essential to note that people with heart conditions and high blood pressure are also at a higher risk and, as always, should seek professional advice before using a hot tub.
“One final consideration is that small children are less able to regulate body temperature and hot tub use should be minimised and temperature adjusted accordingly.
As part of its message BISHTA has stressed that that customers should always be able to make an informed choice about the products they purchase and the association does not endorse or support any companies who seek to provide advice and options that could be potentially dangerous.
“BISHTA expects its members not only to provide products that meet industry standards but also to abide by its Code of Ethics,” stressed Chris Hayes.
“Our advice to consumers is to always seek further information, in writing, from the company supplying the hot tub regarding the maximum controllable temperature”.
Chris also advised consumers that they should always view their supplier as the ‘first contact’ and should not be put off if they state that the customer should contact the manufacturer.
“Some retailers are incorrectly telling their customers to contact the manufacturer if there’s a problem,” he said; “However, the Consumer Rights Act puts the responsibility squarely at the door of the retailer.”